2022 Regular Annual Meeting 8-10 August 2022, Nadi, Fiji
Kindly select the desired items to access and download the corresponding documents.
Meeting Details
Outcomes (To be made available at the end of the meeting)
- 2023 Conference Communique
- 2023 Conference Resolutions and Decisions
Agenda: Meeting Papers
Item 1 - Official Opening
Item 2 - Statement by the Chair
Item 3 - Working Procedures and Appointment of the Drafting Committee
Item 4 - Adoption of Agenda
Item 5 - Secretariat Report
(i) Financial Update
(a) Annex 1: PIDC Income & Expenditure Forecast 2021/22
(ii) PIDC Audit Report
(a) Attachment 1: Financial Statement
(b) Attachment 2: Management Letter
(iii) Member Contribution
(iv) PIDC Head of Secretariat Recruitment
(v) Pacific Law Enforcement Conference Update
(vi) New PIDC Strategic Plan 2022-25
(vii) 2022/23 Annual Work Programme and Budget
(a) Annex 1: Work Programme Activities for 2022-23
Item 8 - PIDC Member Country Reports
PIDC Member Country Reports
All countries to share key achievements, challenges, opportunities, and priorities experienced during the pandemic (approximately 7-minute report for each delegation)
Item 9 - Panel Discussion
Item 10 - Panel Discussion
Item 11 - Panel Discussion
RAM Workshop Session One
Understanding Members’ Needs in a Post Pandemic Operating Environment; How can PIDC better Support members in an evolving operational landscape and what are our new priorities?
This workshop session provides an opportunity for members to openly discuss operational and strategic priorities in the new globally sensitive pandemic world.
Item 12 - Panel Discussion
Item 13 - Panel Discussion
Item 14 - Panel Discussion
Item 15 - Panel Discussion
Item 16 - Panel Discussion
Item 17 - World Refugee Day: Reflections
Item 18 - Workshop Session
Item 19 - Workshop Session Two
Item 20 - Panel Discussion
Item 21 - Presentations and Reports from Observers
Presentations and Reports from Observers who have yet to present.