Strategic Plans and Work Plans

Immigration in the Pacific supports the three key pillars of society: national security, social cohesion and economic prosperity.  The Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) is a forum for official immigration agencies from across the Pacific region. PIDC supports the three pillars and gives effect to the vision of Pacific Leaders expressed in the Framework for Pacific Regionalism at the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in July 2014:

“Our Pacific Vision is for a region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead-free, healthy, and productive lives”

As with previous strategic plans, the PIDC Strategic Plan 2016-2018 continues to be based on the concept of regional cooperation: that is, members working together for their joint and individual benefits. Regional cooperation in this context does not imply any limit on national sovereignty, nor is it intended to replace any national programmes. Rather, it is solely intended to complement them.

The PIDC Strategic Plan 2016-2018 reflects the priorities of members and therefore aligns and supports the implementation of national frameworks. The PIDC Strategic Plan 2016-2018 also acknowledges the commitment of members to international frameworks. Its implementation is intended to complement these commitments.

Information on the PIDCs’ Strategic Plan 2016-2018 and the annual work plan of the Secretariat are available here and the documents can be downloaded by members. Also available is the organisation’s Business Continuity Plan. This document sets out how the PIDC secretariat will continue to operate in the event of any disruption to the office’s normal functioning.

Strategic Plans
Business Continuity Plans
Work Plans
Annual Reports
