Strategic Plan
Our plan is designed to advance national security, social cohesion, and economic prosperity in the Pacific region. Emphasizing regional cooperation and respect for national sovereignty, we aim to create a harmonious and inclusive environment. Join us as we navigate the challenges and opportunities of immigration management together.

SFA 1: Partnership and Coordination
Goal: Strengthen collaboration and partnerships to advance Members interests.
This SFA strengthens PIDC’s role as the voice of Members in international and regional fora to advance Members’ interests while coordinating priorities, best practices and activities to maximise use of collective resources.
Proposed Outcomes:
- Primary PIDC Coordination role strengthened;
- Members’ interest advanced in international fora; and
- Regional immigration collaboration strengthened with partners.
Proposed Approaches:
- Strengthen PIDC Leadership as regional immigration focal point – Advance PIDC leadership as primary regional immigration coordinating body providing direction and support to PICTs.
- Strengthen Collaboration between Members and Partners – Increase engagement and collaboration with Members and partner organisations through the support of the Declaration of Partnership with OCO and PICP.
- Support Members’ alignment to International obligations – Support Members and partner organisations to advance priority areas of work (Boe Declaration, Global Compact of Migration, 2030 SDGs, TNOC, UNCAC, Honiara/Nasonini/Biketawa Declarations by Pacific Leaders).
- Strengthen PIDC role as regional immigration information and communication hub – Maintain PIDC as a central information hub of Pacific Immigration research, best practices, manuals and operational guides.

SFA 2: National Immigration Strengthening
Goal: Strengthen capacity of national immigration officers and agencies.
This SFA builds on existing work to strengthen, develop and support members to implement best practice standards, policies and legislation to enhance delivery of national immigration services.
Proposed Outcomes
- Members aligned to international standards and best practices;
- Improved customer focused service;
- Evidence based policy development and decision making increased for Members; and
- Technology and innovation used to support operations.
Proposed Approaches:
- Targeted technical assistance delivery – Continue providing targeted PIDC national technical assistance programmes as requested by Members to strengthen domestic immigration:
- Policies, legislation, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs);
- Data collection, strategic planning, national immigration training programmes and immigration research;
- COVID-19 and pandemic responses; and
- Technical knowledge for updating automated Border Management System (BMS).
- Coordinate immigration training amongst Stakeholders for Members – Coordinate and provide immigration training and academic support for PIDC Member Agencies based on priority immigration issues identified by Members.
- Build evaluation and monitoring framework – Support the evaluation and monitoring of Strategic Plan implementation through the PIDC Board and RAM.

SFA 3: Enforcement and Traveller Facilitation
Goal: Strengthen national immigration border processes to support international security and domestic social and economic development.
This SFA focuses on strengthening border security while simultaneously streamlining processes to facilitate international travel to support economic growth particularly related to labour mobility.
Proposed Outcomes:
- Improved border enforcement and regional collaboration;
- Increased economic activity through migration;
- Improved information sharing between Members; and
- COVID-19 and pandemic responsive measures implemented for reopening of borders.
Proposed Approaches:
- Strengthen border enforcement and information sharing – Strengthen enforcement activities, immigration intelligence analysis and information sharing through the PIDC MoA using formal and informal networks.
- Strengthen Data Collection and Analysis – Strengthen PIDC national and regional data collection, research, analysis and risk / trend forecasting.
- Streamline visa processing – Support Members to develop streamlined one-stop-shop immigration processes for visa applications.
- Support regional labour mobility activities – Support the effective management of labour mobility policies and processes to support sustainable economic growth.

SFA 4: Governance and Secretariat Support
Goal: Strong organizational, Secretariat and national member governance processes developed to strengthen confidence in PIDC.
This SFA focuses on: (a) maintaining strong organizational governance and building an effective and efficient Secretariat with processes to support the delivery of PIDC activities; and (b) strengthening Member’s governance at the national level.
Proposed Outcomes:
- Strong PIDC organisational governance measures;
- Members have strong national governance measures to maintain government and public confidence in agencies; and
- Strengthened PIDC Secretariat to transparently implement PIDC objectives effectively and efficiently
Proposed Approaches:
- Regular informed Board Meetings to provide oversight – Regular Board meetings with well-informed Members aware of their responsibilities.
- Efficient management of PIDC financial resources – Ensuring internal policy and procedure reflect best practice linked to an agreed Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for service delivery.
- Strong national governance programmes – Support Members to develop national immigration specific Codes of Conduct and best practices governance measures.
- Strong development opportunities for Secretariat staff – Professional development opportunities for Secretariat staff with avenues to ensuring equitable remuneration to generate corporate knowledge.