Pacific Immigration

Development Community

PIDC Research

PIDC Research currently falls into two categories.

The first category consists of a number of model technical documents representing international standards and regional best practices that Members can adapt as appropriate for domestic purposes. These model resources currently provide immigration specific technical advice on model legislation, model Standard Operating Procedures, and a model Code of Conduct.

The second category provides information designed to support PIDC decision makers and leadership in key immigration areas. These products provide PICT immigration agencies with knowledge on specific immigration matters to guide national and regional initiatives and responses. To date PIDC research products have been developed on Pacific Island immigration policy drivers, labour mobility, migration trends, domestic immigration strategic and operational frameworks, and international border ‘primary line’ best practices.

All the research products developed by PIDC are living documents that will be constantly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain relevant to the needs of the membership. They will form the basis of PIDC’s approach to technical matters and will often be the first step for Members when seeking to develop national evidence-based policy and operational reforms.

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PIDC Model Code Of Ethics


PIDC Model National Immigration Strategic & Operational Framework


PIDC Policy & Legislation


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Regional Advanced Passenger Information Opportunities for PICTs


Strengthening Primary Line Operations for Small Pacific Island Countries and Territories


Immigration Trends Analysis

