IOM and Japan Support the Marshall Islands to Enhance Border Management

Majuro – In a collaborative ceremony, last week, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) together with the Embassy of Japan and the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), delivered essential equipment to strengthen border management and prevent the spread of infectious diseases.  

This initiative, implemented under the “Enhancing Border Management Capacity for Responding to Infectious Diseases in Pacific Island Countries” project and funded by the people of Japan, aims to ensure the safe continuation of border operations in the Marshall Islands, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

During the handover ceremony, Japan’s Ambassador to the RMI, Soma Hirohisa, commended “the unwavering efforts of IOM staff to deliver the friendship from the Japanese people to the Marshallese people in a most timely and effective manner to strengthen the socio-economic resilience of the RMI to potential pandemic threats.” 

The project involves strategic engagement with key partners, including the Marshall Islands Port Authority, Division of Immigration, Ministry of Health and Human Services, and Environmental Protection Authority. Through this collaboration, significant upgrades have been implemented, including:  

  • Air purification and air conditioning systems 
  • Television sets for information dissemination 
  • Sanitation supplies, including sprayers and sanitation stations 
  • Kiosks for contactless health screening 
  • Upgrades to the Division of Immigration’s Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) 

These enhancements will be utilized at the Majuro and Ebeye ports of entry, strengthening border management operations. IOM Chief of Mission, Salvatore Sortino, noted, “This initiative is a testament to the dedication of our partners and the support of the Government of Japan to ensure the health and safety of RMI’s borders. IOM looks forward to continued collaboration with the Government of RMI to enhance border operations.” 

The remaining project activities are planned to be completed by July 2025, with upcoming activities focusing on the installation of additional equipment, reinforcement of border governance, and capacity-building efforts, including training and the enhancement of border health strategies. 

Source – IOM NEWS

