SFA 1:  Partnership and Coordination

Goal:  Strengthen collaboration and partnerships to advance Members interests.

This SFA strengthens PIDC’s role as the voice of Members in international and regional fora to advance Members’ interests while coordinating priorities, best practices and activities to maximise use of collective resources.

Proposed Outcomes:

  • Primary PIDC Coordination role strengthened;
  • Members’ interest advanced in international fora; and
  • Regional immigration collaboration strengthened with partners.

Proposed Approaches:

  1. Strengthen PIDC Leadership as regional immigration focal point – Advance PIDC leadership as primary regional immigration coordinating body providing direction and support to PICTs.
  2. Strengthen Collaboration between Members and Partners – Increase engagement and collaboration with Members and partner organisations through the support of the Declaration of Partnership with OCO and PICP.
  3. Support Members’ alignment to International obligations – Support Members and partner organisations to advance priority areas of work (Boe Declaration, Global Compact of Migration, 2030 SDGs, TNOC, UNCAC, Honiara/Nasonini/Biketawa Declarations by Pacific Leaders).
  4. Strengthen PIDC role as regional immigration information and communication hub – Maintain PIDC as a central information hub of Pacific Immigration research, best practices, manuals and operational guides.
